I met Richard on the first Lorde tour. We didn't like each other at all in the beginning. Shortly though, we grew to get on very well, and since that tour, he has employed me multiple times, including the second Lorde tour, Ricky Martin, and Adele. He was a master of the details. He loved my mom's baking, and whenever we were near my home town, he would always be looking forward to having some of her famous chocolate chip cookies and brownies. We joked that that the cookies were the reason he kept hiring me. He was the best ball-buster I've ever met- you knew you were in good and part of a the circle of friends when you got a ridiculous nickname (I was Rob the Nob, or "RTN"). I've never worked with anyone that was so willing and uncompromising when it came to taking care of the crew. He truly valued everyone that worked with him and made sure they were taken care of. I aspire to be as good at anything as he was at everything. I learned by watching him that a brain is a muscle, and not a hard drive- it will never fill up. His knowledge was seemingly endless and if I was worried about safety or something like that, I sought his council on things for tours he wasn't even on. I can't even put into words how much I'm going to miss him. Truly some of the best experiences of my career and life were a direct result of him. I've never met anyone that was more deserving a peaceful rest. When I cross over some day I'm fully expecting to see him standing there, pointing the way, like he always did at airports when the crew was flying. Godspeed, my friend.