I really can't remember the first time I worked with Richard, probably off and on for the last 20 years on various shows and one offs, difficult pyramid stage projection craziness, odd JMJ shows in the square at Santiago de Compostella, parachuted in to sort baulky screens for him on the 1975. Random phone calls "what do you think about this..." Always the master of the hard stare and the difficult question which was always on point and got to the heart of the matter. Rigorous technical competence and deep understanding of everything involved in his shows. But then the sly smile and the belly laugh, the silliness and the pure pleasure when things came right and everything looked good and worked well, or that we even got away with it at all. Brusque and businesslike when required but giggling like a schoolboy at the craziness of it all. Difficult to come to terms with the idea that we'll never those laughs again. So thanks Richard for the quiet confidence that I would always make it all work for you no matter how impossible it seemed, and the genuine pleasure whenever we met. You were a top bloke.