Richard has been in my life since we started secondary school many, many moons ago. He was the tallest human there - a confident, forthright figure - always busy, always Pob. We shared a love of loud music - his yellow Allegro estate always full of speakers, cables and lights - toing and froing to rehearsals, suffering the incomprehensible din we were making. But he was always encouraging - and honest. He was the first person I saw going back to school after my parents split, with the words `Welcome to the club!'. A calming return to normality. We started working together about seven years ago and it's been an honour collaborating with Richard on the wildly diverse projects and companies under his guard. Neither my school years, nor my professional life would have been the same without him - but we'll edge forward from the unfathomable news knowing that Richard will always be a part of our lives. RIP Richard