I was 10 when I first bumped into Richard. We were both in the cubs and had chosen to audition for the local Gangshow. Christ knows how he got in. We continued there for four years. Rich convinced me it was a good place to get the girls. So funny given what we both looked like in those days. It turned out that we were soon to attend the same Secondary School. We both made the soon to be familiar daily trek on the local bus. It was on one of those trips home that Rich happened to be sick down my sister's back. Game on - a fact that seemed to stick. It seemed like other kids brought it up for years. What else was there? ... The morning trips into Safeway on the way to school for a Super can of Coke; the regular two-way borrowing of money at break for a cake in the canteen; going to the Swimming Club at the local pool in the evenings; attempting to run round the local 15 mile sponsored walk; the disco business with the arch of lights that he'd designed himself that would blow the fuses of anywhere it was used; trying to talk the local Record Shop into giving us free vinyl; working at the local newsagents-Sunday breakfast would entail a trip through the fire exit straight into the local McDonald for an early Big Mac and milkshake; camping out for half-term because he knew the Guides would be there; drinking Special Brew aged 16; digging an extension to your mum's drive for the yellow Austin Allegro I could go on.... And on. The memories are vast but they didn't end there. Even after I moved away Richard continued to make surprise drop-ins. He didn't have my address with him but while in Birmingham tracked down my student digs from among three tower blocks to drop in. Another time, remembered that I had worked in the local Tesco. I got called to the front of the shop to see this familiar face saying he was free for a few hours. We caught up over a dinner before I returned him to his Chippendale's tour at the Swindon Oasis!! Pob. Even I can't remember when the nickname became his name of choice. Though it's probably more than 25 years since the last drop-in, it's just sinking in that there won't be any more. Your warmth, kindness, and friendly nature were seemingly endless. I don't remember any days that you were down. Thank you for a lifetime of memories. I've shared more with my wife in the past few days and keep remembering many many more. I haven't shared too many with our children as I wouldn't want them to follow our bad examples. I've only shared the stuff that you'd want out in public! Some of it was legendary. There's just so much. My sincere condolences to your family. You were truly one of a kind.